Thursday, May 24, 2007

May be Demodex the cause of my acne?

A tube with Proactiv Benzoyl peroxide product
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Get cleared with a benzoyl peroxide treatment that helped thousands to fight acne!
Who causes acne? At this question we may get on a simple google more than one millions of pages who write about this disease and the causes which may lead to it. I found some articles on net where there are scientist who believe that in more than 90 cases from 100 are caused by Demodex.

So what’s Demodex?

Demodex are parasites which live on the face and in the hair follicles of humans. They can badly damage the facial skin of humans, usually starting at middle age when the immune system is weakened and their population has increased. In the photos below you can easily see, under the 3D microscope how Demodex looks like. The mites can live on all body parts wherever there are hair roots and sebaceous glands however, they are most prevalent in the facial area, especially the nose, forehead, chin, and cheeks. These areas have the most favorable living and breeding conditions and provide an optimum temperature for them to thrive.

It is commonly accepted that Demodex affects more the dogs and not humans, nut this seems to be wrong. Actual theory about acne says in more than 90% of cases the agent is considered to be Demodex mites. As you can see in the photo, it has 8 legs and the mouth of these mites is like a very sharp needle that can directly sting into the cells to absorb nutrition. They like a wet and warm environment and become the most active in the dark. There are five stages in the life cycle. After mating on the surface of the skin, they go back into it and lay eggs, taking bacteria with them and excreting wastes and secretions, laying eggs and dying within its layers. After death, their corpses become liquid and decompose inside the skin. Surely, there are some more agreeable creatures on Earth :)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Benzoyl Peroxide in pregnant mother

A tube with Proactiv Benzoyl peroxide product
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Get cleared with a benzoyl peroxide treatment that helped thousands to fight acne!

A pregnant woman represents a community between 2 organisms. All of the mother’s actions influence directly the unborned yet child’s health.

Benzoyl Peroxide is very fast absorbed by the skin into the body, so it may interference with the blood vessels and, so on, it may interact with child’s vascular system. No studies where published till nowadays and there are no reports about the Benzoyl Peroxide’s action on pregnant. The majority of dermatologists avoid to indicate Benzoyl Peroxide in pregnant. It may be dangerous to treat a pregnant mother with a substance which wasn’t studied sufficiently at this stage.

Searching some info on this subject, I observed a physicians mention on some other medical site. He said something like this it is more important for a mother to born healthy child and to protect him from all exogenous factors than to treat acne at that moment and to bother about your look. A pregnant women still always be a wonder and will remain beautiful whatsoever.

However, to treat acne is a priority too. There are some other substances, tested and proven to have minimal adverse reactions in pregnant which may help pregnant omen to treat acne. A discussion with a dermatologist may help you find a good remedy such as glycolic acid is or some remedies based on natural extracts, infusions and oils that will improve your skin condition and reduce seborrhea.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

What precautions should be taken using Benzoyl Peroxide?

A tube with Proactiv Benzoyl peroxide product
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Get cleared with a benzoyl peroxide treatment that helped thousands to fight acne!
As far as I know, Benzoyl Peroxide is considered to be skin-safe if is used in concentrations less of about 15 – 20%, regardless to the remedy’s form – cream, gel solutions, etc. anyway, being skin-safe, doesn’t mean that some precautions shouldn’t be taken. In this article I’ll try to cover some major precautions every Benzoyl Peroxide user must know:
  1. First of all, do not let your Benzoyl Peroxide product in some places accessible to reach of children. It’s easy to imagine what can happen in case a child opens a tube with Benzoyl Peroxide and starts playing with all that are inside, or, worse, tries it at tastes and inhales it. So, be careful where you keep your medicines, not just Benzoyl Peroxide product.
  2. Avoid contact of the product with eyes, nasal mucosa, with the medium and intern ear and, also, do not try to taste it or add in some food accidentally. It may seem ridiculous, but being in constant contact with medical personal, as I’m a student in medicine, I hear a lot of stories, some of them dramatic and ridiculous at the same time. So be careful, again. This is not the most toxic product ever sold, but some precautions will save you from unpleasant events.
  3. Don’t use it other way than externally, on skin. It is only for external use and do not try to apply some Benzoyl Peroxide products internally.
  4. Avoid Benzoyl Peroxide to contact with your colored clothes. It bleaches them. Tested on my own – my favorite shirt gained some white spots on it after I dropped some Benzoyl Peroxide cream on it. I don’t have any information on bleaching effect on hair, but I don’t recommend you to test this. :)
  5. When applied on skin, avoid using some other products, till it is totally absorbed by the skin. You can let it some other 20 minutes to completely dry out (if we talk about a cream). Avoid make-up on the area you just applied Benzoyl Peroxide at least for some half an hour after usage. Let your skin accommodate first with Benzoyl Peroxide.

Friday, May 18, 2007

What concentration of Benzoyl Peroxide should I choose?

A tube with Proactiv Benzoyl peroxide product
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You already know that Benzoyl Peroxide comes in different concentrations, regardless to its form – gel, solution or cream. Basically, as far I as I understood from some other blogs and forums, Benzoyl Peroxide may be produced in the following concentrations:
Benzoyl Peroxide – 2,5%
Benzoyl Peroxide – 4$
Benzoyl Peroxide – 8% (more common in USA)
Benzoyl Peroxide – 10%
If you are seeking for medical help in treating acne, and you find a doctor who wants to prescribe you some Benzoyl Peroxide based products, then he’ll choose one of those concentrations I provided, depending on your skin condition.
At a 2,5% concentration, Benzoyl Peroxide is known to be effective in easy and mild form of acne, with some spots on your skin. I suppose it’s more for casual usage, when you need to treat some light for of acne.
At a 4% concentration, Benzoyl Peroxide is optimal for an oily skin, with acne affecting your front, nose or shoulders. In this concentration it has a evident drying effect, so pay attention at the dose you are about to use and contact your doctor in case something gets wrong and you feel discomfort, hard itching, redness.
In concentration of 8 to 10%, Benzoyl Peroxide becomes a very powerful remedy, yet very active. Keep in mind it is not recommended to overdose your Benzoyl Peroxide-based cream because there is the possibility of some adverse reactions to appear.
Also I would like to touch a subject that I plan to develop further in this blog - Benzoyl Peroxide’s Precautions: Benzoyl Peroxide in a 100% concentration, applied on skin, becomes extremely toxic and is a substance considered to induce skin cancer and malign structures. I repeat – only in 100% concentration. Not in 2,5 or 10% as we use in treating acne. Those doses (from 2,5 up to 10%) are considered to be skin-safe and actually are the most cost-effective acne treatment

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Which products contain Benzoyl Peroxide?

A tube with Proactiv Benzoyl peroxide product
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Get cleared with a benzoyl peroxide treatment that helped thousands to fight acne!
I want to provide all the remedies which contain Benzoyl Peroxide in their formula. All of them are considered to treat acne, especially the mild forms.
If you are interested in finding more info on one or other drug, just insert its name in our right Search-box, and get the best Google info on it.
Acne Treatment
Benoxyl 5%, 10% Lotion
Benzac AC2.5%, 5%, 10% Gel; Wash 5%
Benzagel 10, 5, Wash
Benzashave 10, 5
Benziq, LS, Benziq Wash
Brevoxyl 4% Cream
Brevoxyl Creamy Wash
Clear by Design
Desquam-X 10, 5, Wash
Fostex Bar Gel Wash 10%
Neutrogena Acne Mask
Neutrogena On Spot Acne Treatment
Oxy 5% lotion
Oxy 10% Lotion
Oxy Balance
Oxy Vanishing Gel
PanOxyl 2.5%, 5%, 10% Gel
Peroxin A 10
Triaz Cleanser

Some of these products are released over the counter, and you can buy them online or at some local drug stores. If you are interested in a benzoyl peroxide anti-acne product that has proved to be very efficient and worked for thousands of teens around the world, than check out the's product. It uses Dan's recipe (2.5% benzoyl peroxide) and it is a very good value for the money they ask. I can't say the exact price right now, but you can check it clicking on the image above. The link will redirect you to amazon, from where you can buy it. If you buy it through me, the price is the same, the difference is that I'll make my 18 cents and be a step closer to the Thai island I'm planning on buying the next year :) Thanks!

How did I found that Benzoyl Peroxide treats acne?

A tube with Proactiv Benzoyl peroxide product
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Get cleared with a benzoyl peroxide treatment that helped thousands to fight acne!
It took me a little while to find out that this substance may totally change my skin and improve its condition in less than three months. Yeap! Three months!
Is it a too long time? I don't know. I'm not yet really sure about all the benefits of Benzoyl Peroxide, but I noticed that after I used my Benzoyl-Peroxide-based cream, it was different and my acne were more evident.
So, i read a lot of articles on internet about the cheapest and the most effective method to fight acne. I found in some articles at that Benzoyl Peroxide may be a good choice if you try to get off your red spots. I decided to give it a try and so I discovered BP's effects on my own skin
I started to use it frenetically in the first days.
My cream has a 4% concentration of Benzoyl Peroxide, it's not the highest concentration at which this remedy is released (there a re more concentrated creams as 5%, 10%) and I noticed from the first application some itching and redness.
So, I announced my mom and sister about my new remedy and asked them to took some observation on my skins' evolution - will it improve or I just got another useless product.
Also, one of my criteria was to find the cheapest product which can stop my acne. Benzoyl Peroxide products seemed to me most cost-effective than any other I tried before. A tube of cream (40 grams) is about to cost you some 5.5 euro or less than 6.5 $ in Europe. I'm sure in USA the prices are, also, somewhere around this average.
In my next posts I'll try to share with you all my knowledges on Benzoyl peroxide side effects and products which contain this substance.

What is Benzoyl peroxide?

A tube with Proactiv Benzoyl peroxide product
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Get cleared with a benzoyl peroxide treatment that helped thousands to fight acne!
Benzoyl Peroxide is a chemical substance, toxic in 100% concentration if applied on skin or even inhaled. But the big majority of all the remedies which contain Benzoyl proxide do not pass the limit of 5-10%. This way, dermatologists assure us that this substance in small doses isn't harmful. Anyway, since today no studies on animals was carried, so nobody knows exactly what effects they should wait in case of over dosage or some other uncontrolled administration.
This substance has a antibacterial effect, it kills the bacteria on the surface of the skin. Bacteria are the main and more common "inhabitants" of our pores and skin. They are called saprophytes, but sometimes, in one's with a low immunity, these saprophyte bacteria may transform in our skin's enemies.
Benzoyl Peroxide kills these bacteria and has, also, an inhibitory role on oil glands which opens in the pores of the skin, especially on face, shoulders, back and chest.

What is Acne and how may it appear?

A tube with Proactiv Benzoyl peroxide product
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Get cleared with a benzoyl peroxide treatment that helped thousands to fight acne!
Acne is not my friend. I know this from my 15 years old, when my face met my first spots. Than was a big drama happening to me, more because of that I couldn't understand why I must suffer this affection.
I didn't knew that there are many causes which may induce acne and so the remedies are pretty different, so I started to wash and clean my face with a lot of usefulness products, which promised me a lot, but every time I quited, because my skin didn't improved. By contrary, it turned more and more irritate.
Last year I discovered a product based on benzoyl Peroxide, an antibacterial remedy, which is used successfully as a remedy against the acne.
Benzoyl Peroxide acts as an antibacterial treatment, therefore it doesn't destroy our tissues and selects only the bacteria which populate our skin.
So one of the big reasons why Benzoyl Peroxide is used in acne is about its Antibacterial Effect.
So, we'll deduce that only that form of acne which is produced by some bacteria like staphylococcus epidermis may be treated with a such remedy, nor the acne which canhve some other origin.
You didn't knew that acne is produced by some other factors?
Ok, there are a lot of causes which may lead to appearance of pustules and spots on the entire body, not only on the facial skin. I will enumerate some of them:
  1. Some parasitic forms of arachnoid's (such as demodex)
  2. Some disturbances in the inner bladders, such as gallbladder or sexual glands which in some affection may secrete bigger amounts of sebum and this way they create a favorable environment for different bacteria.
  3. uncontrolled diet and irrational meals - this may lead to obesity and, this way, to a extra-oily skin, which, again is a good environment for bacteria.
So, in order to help you ameliorate your skin condition, in my further articles I will describe some solutions to all of these problems. Keep reading and visiting my blog :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Is Benzoyl Peroxide a good choice in treating Acne?

A tube with Proactiv Benzoyl peroxide product
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Get cleared with a benzoyl peroxide treatment that helped thousands to fight acne!
"I am waiting for a miracle!" one of my customers wrote me yesterday in an email. "You know, she said, I'm 31 years old and I'm still fighting acne on my face, shoulders and back. I can't understand where my problem is."
After a long email she asks me to send her my Benzoyl peroxide based cream, I sell through my site.
Should be Benzoyl Peroxide considered a miracle in treating acne? Is this drug a revolution in medicine? How does it influence your skin and your body and how much does it costs? Which products contain Benzoyl Peroxide and how can you try this remedy in your Acne affection.
These and more questions, I'll try to answer in future articles on this blog, which I wish it to be a solution for those which are searching for a remedy against our common damn - Acne.